Information paper: Uighur Detainee Population at JTF-GTMO

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Information paper: Uighur Detainee Population at JTF-GTMO (2004)
141451Information paper: Uighur Detainee Population at JTF-GTMO2004unsigned



30 October 2004

SUBJECT: (U) Uighur Detainee Population at JTF-GTMO
1 Purpose. (U) To inform Joint Staff, Office of Detainee Affairs on the Uighur detainees.
a. (U) Detainee biographical information.
b. (U) Whether any of the Uighurs have recently been interviewed.
c. (U) What disciplinary problems occurred over the past year.

(U) Specific information on the Uighur detainee population.


                                           N/A                      (REFERENCE NAME)

( ) Adel Noori is a 35-year-old ethnic Uighur wanted by the Chinese government for involvement in an uprising that took place in Southern Xinjiang province in 1990. He left Alma Ata, Uzbekistan to train in Afghanistan and return to fight Chinese oppression of ethnic Uighurs. Noori was last interviewed in mid 2004. He has had disciplinary action on 6 October 2004 for failure to comply with guard orders, and on 10 February 2004 that required a forced cell extraction. Noori has a history of spitting and using racial epithets. He has made no physical threats against guards. Noori has been suspected as being a probable member of the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM). He is suspected of having received training in an ETIM training camp in Afghanistan.

  ISN: 102DP; MOHAMMED, NAG                    (CURRENT NAME)
                                           NAJMEDEEN MOHAMMED         (REFERENCE NAME)

( ) Nag Mohammed is a 26-year-old Chinese citizen who is an ethnic Uighur from the Xinjiang province of China. Mohammed was last interviewed in mid 2003. He had disciplinary action on 27 May 2003 for spitting, throwing water and body fluids on a guard. Mohammed has had no discipline during this calendar year. Mohammed has been suspected as being a probable member of the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM). He is suspected of having received training in an ETIM training camp in Afghanistan.

                                           MAHMUD, ARKINA         (REFERENCE NAME)

( ) Arkin Mahmud is a 40-year-old Chinese citizen, who is an ethnic Uighur from the Ghulja province of China. Mahmud was last interviewed in the end of 2002. He had disciplinary action on 4 March 2003 when he participated in a block riot and reportedly threw water, milk, food, body fluids and feces at guards. Other reports indicate that discipline issues occurred on 5 March 2003 for spitting on a guard's face and neck, 21 April 2003 for spitting on a guard, on 1 September 2004 for threatening to kill an MP and threatening to President Bush, and on 4 September for lunging at a guard with his body and fist. As reported in his discipline history, he refused to return to his bay after a disturbance, threatening bodily harm to the detainees already inside the bay. Mahmud is suspected as being a probable member of the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM). He is suspected of having received training in an ETIM training camp in Afghanistan.

                                            N/A                                   (REFERENCE NAME)

( ) Ahmad Tourson is a 33-year-old Chinese citizen, who is an ethnic Uighur from the Xinjiang province of China. He claime that he went to Afghanistan to escape the persecution of the Chinese Government. He was recruited by the Uighur movement and fled China in May 1999. He then traveled to Afghanistan in September 1999. Tourson was last interviewed in mid 2004. He has no reported incidents of violence in his discipline history. Tourson is suspected as being a probable member of the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM). He is suspected of having received training in an ETIM training camp in Afghanistan.

  ISN: 219DP; RAZAK, ABDUL                     (CURRENT NAME)
                                            QADIR, ABDUL RAZAK         (REFERENCE NAME)

( ) Abdul Razak is a 29-year-old Chinese citizen who is an ethnic Uighur from the Xinjiang province of China. Razak was last interviewed at the end of 2002. He had a disciplinary action on 4 March 2003 for participating in a block riot in which he threw a torn up plate in the walkway and threatened guards. Razak has had no discipline during this calendar year. He is suspected as being a probable member of the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM). He is suspected of having received training in an ETIM training camp in Afghanistan.

                                            MOHAMMAD, ALI           (REFERENCE NAME)

( ) Hassan Avnar is a 30-year-old Chinese citizen who is an ethnic Uighur from the Tashkuroq Village, Yining, Xinjiang province of China. Avnar was last interviewed at the end of 2002. He has no reported incidents of violence in his discipline history. Avnar is suspected as being a probable member of the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM). He is suspected of having received training in an ETIM training camp in Afghanistan.

  ISN: 260DP; ADIL, AHMED           (CURRENT NAME)
                                            ADIL, AHNAD           (REFERENCE NAME)

( ) Ahmed Adil is a 31-year-old Chinese Citizen who is an ethnic Uighur from the Xinjiang province of China. Adil was last interviewed in the end of 2002. He has no reported incidents of violence in his discipline history. Adil is suspected as being a probable member of the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM). He is suspected of having received training in an ETIM training camp in Afghanistan.

  ISN: 275DP; ABBAS, YUSEF                                                (CURRENT NAME)
                                            UTHMAN, ABD AL SABR ABD AL HAMID           (REFERENCE NAME)

( ) Yusef Abbas is a 29-year-old Chinese citizen who is an ethnic Uighur from the town of Qarayar or Ghirak in Aksu or Gulja, Xinjiang province of China. He left the Peoples Republic of China in 2001, after being imprisoned twice, and traveled to Jalalabad Afghanistan via Kyrgyzistan and Pakistan. He was last interviewed in mid 2003. He has no reported incidents of violence in his discipline history. Abbas is suspected as being a probable member of the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM). He is suspected of having received training in an ETIM training camp in Afghanistan.

                                            AKHADAR QASEM                  (REFERENCE NAME)

( ) Akhdar Qasem Basit is a 31-year-old Chinese citizen who is an ethnic Uighur from the Ghulja province of China. Basit was last interviewed at the end of 2002. He has no reported incidents of violence in his discipline history. Basit is suspected as being a probable member of the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM). He is suspected of having received training in an ETIM training camp in Afghanistan.

                                            SABIT, SADIR                  (REFERENCE NAME)

( ) Bahtiyar Mahnut is a 28-year-old Chinese citizen who is an ethnic Uighur from Ghalga province of China. Mahnut left China in May 2001 with the goal of reaching a western democracy (America) to live a better life. He was last interviewed at the end of 2002. He had disciplinary action on 4 March 2003 for participating in a riot in which he threw water, milk, food, body fluids, and feces on guards. Sabit is suspected as being a probable member of the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM). He is suspected of having received training in an ETIM training camp in Afghanistan.

                                            NASIR, ABD AL                      (REFERENCE NAME)

( ) Abdul Helil Mamut is a 27-year-old Chinese citizen. who is an ethnic Uighur from Kashkar China. In 1998 the detainee left China to go to Lahore, Pakistan to get education in order to help other Uighurs to fight the Chinese oppression. He was last interviewed at the end of 2002. He has no reported incidents of violence in his discipline history but has verbally assaulted guards on occasion. Mamut is suspected as being a probable member of the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM). He is suspected of having received training in an ETIM training camp in Afghanistan.

                                            MOHAMMED, AYOOB HAJI           (REFERENCE NAME)

(FOUO) Ayoob Haji Mohammed is a 20-year-old Chinese citizen. who is an ethnic Uighur from Toqquztash China. He was last interviewed in early 2004. Mohammed has had numerous disciplinary actions. His history indicates he was disciplined on 27 May 2003 for spitting and throwing water and urine on guards, on 18 November 2003 for throwing water and prayer oil on guards, on 5 December 2003 for spitting in a guard's face, on 12 January 04 for throwing feces in a guard's face, on 23 August 2004 for threatening a guard and spitting in the guard's face, on 27 September for throwing a bar of soap at a guard, and on 16 October 04 for threatening to kill a guard. Mohammed is suspected as being a probable member of the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM). He is suspected of having received training in an ETIM training camp in Afghanistan.

                                            ALI, KHALED                     (REFERENCE NAME)

  Khalik Saidullah is a 27-year-old ethnic Uighur and Chinese citizen, born in 1977, in Ghulja, Xinjiang, China. He was last interviewed in mid 2003. He has no reported incidents of violence in his discipline history. Saidullah is suspected as being a probable member of the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM). He is suspected of having received training in an ETIM training camp in Afghanistan.

                                            AL RAHMAN, ABD AL GHATAR ABD           (REFERENCE NAME)

  Abdul Ghappar Abdul Rahman is a 31-year-old Chinese citizen. who is an ethnic Uighur from Kucha China. He was last interviewed in mid 2003 He has no reported incidents of violence in his discipline history. Rahman is suspected as being a probable member of the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM). He is suspected of having received training in an ETIM training camp in Afghanistan.

                                            GHUPUR, HAJIAKBAR ABDUL           (REFERENCE NAME)

  Hajiakbar Abdul Ghupur is a 30-year-old Chinese citizen. who is an ethnic Uighur from the Xinjiang province of China. Ghupur claims to have traveled to Afghanistan in July 2003 to escape Chinese Government treatment of Muslims. He was last interviewed in mid 2003 He has no reported incidents of violence in his discipline history. Ghupur is suspected as being a probable member of the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM). He is suspected of having received training in an ETIM training camp in Afghanistan.

                                            N/A                               (REFERENCE NAME)

(FOUO) Abu Bakr Qasim is a 35-year-old ethnic Uighur and a Chinese citizen, born in 1969, in Ghulja, China. He claims to have fled China in an effort to escape Chinese oppression of the Uigher people. After fleeing China, the detainee traveled to Afghanistan. He was last interviewed in mid 2004. He has no reported incidents of violence in his discipline history. Qasim is suspected as being a probable member of the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM). He is suspected of having received training in an ETIM training camp in Afghanistan.

                                            AL RAHMAN, JALLAL ADIN ABD                               (REFERENCE NAME)

  Abdullah Abdulqadirakhun is a 25-year-old Chinese citizen who is an ethnic Uighur from the Xinjiang province of China. He claims to have fled China in 2000 in an effort to escape Chinese oppression of the Uighurs. He was last interviewed in mid 2004. He has no reported incidents of violence in his discipline history. Abdulqadirakhun is suspected as being a probable member of the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM). He is suspected of having received training in an ETIM training camp in Afghanistan.

                                               YASSIN, SABIT KHAN           (REFERENCE NAME)

(FOUO) Dawut Abdurehim is a 30-year-old Chinese citizen. who is an ethnic Uighur from the Ghulja province of China. Yassin was last interviewed in late 2004. He has no reported incidents of violence in his discipline history. Abdurehim is suspected as being a probable member of the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM). He is suspected of having received training in an ETIM training camp in Afghanistan.

                                               QADIR, MUHAMMAD           (REFERENCE NAME)

(FOUO) Adel Abdulhehim is a 30-year-old Chinese citizen who is an ethnic Uighur from the Ghulja province of China. He was last interviewed in the end of 2002. He had disciplinary action on 3 March 2003 for participating in a block riot. Abdulhehim has had no discipline during this calendar year. He is suspected as being a probable member of the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM). He is suspected of having received training in an ETIM training camp in Afghanistan.

{FOUO} ISN: 295DP; ABDULAHAT, ENAM                         (CURRENT NAME)
                                               AL AHAD, ABD AL SAMAD ABD        (REFERENCE NAME)

(FOUO) Enam Abdulahat is a 27-year-old Chinese citizen. who is an ethnic Uighur from the (sic) Konashahar China. Abdulahat was last interviewed on 10 August 2004. He had a disciplinary action on 6 October 2004 for being in possession of a triangular piece of metal. Abdulahat is suspected as being a probable member of the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM). He is suspected of having received training in an ETIM training camp in Afghanistan.

                                               N/A                      (REFERENCE NAME)

(FOUO) Hozaifa Parhat is a 33-year-old Chinese citizen. who is an ethnic Uighur from the (sic) Ghulja province of China. He claims to have fled the Xinjiang province, China to train in Afghanistan and return to fight Chinese oppression of ethnic Uighurs. He was last interviewed in mid 2004. He has no reported incidents of violence in his discipline history. Parhat is suspected as being a probable member of the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM). He is suspected of having received training in an ETIM training camp in Afghanistan.

{FOUO} ISN: 328DP; MOHAMMED, AHMED                  (CURRENT NAME)
                                              YAQUB, AHMAD MUHAMMAN       (REFERENCE NAME)

(FOUO) Ahmed Mohammed is a 26-year-old Chinese citizen. who is an ethnic Uighur from the (sic) Artush province of China. He claims to have fled China in 2000 in an effort to escape Chinese oppression of the Uigher community and traveled to Afghanistan. He was last interviewed in late 2004. He has no reported incidents of violence in his discipline history. Mohammed is suspected as being a probable member of the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM). He is suspected of having received training in an ETIM training camp in Afghanistan.